Nitrogen bottle to W24.32 male gas charging adaptor for 5401 or GPS series gas charging regulators

Hydrotechnik UK's nitrogen bottle adaptor assemblies consist of a W24.32 male adaptor for 5401 or GPS series gas charging and testing regulators to one of several available nitrogen bottle adaptors. Common options are shown below, along with other options available upon request.


As well as the option to connect to a gas charging device, the W24.32 male adaptor can be supplied in an assembly with a Minimess® 1620 test-point for direct connection using a hydraulic hose.

Adaptor type Order code Drawing Image
W24,32x1/14" male to 5/8" BSP bullnose male Nitrogen bottle adaptor.
Common in Argentina, The Bahamas, Barbados, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam and Zambia.
W24,32x1/14" male to W24,51x1/14" (CGA580) male Nitrogen bottle adaptor.
Common in Brazil and the USA.
W24,32x1/14" male to 3/4" BSP bullnose male Nitrogen bottle adaptor.
Common in Australia, The Philippines and South Africa.
W24,32x1/14" male to W21,7x1/14" Nitrogen bottle adaptor.
Common in Algeria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Gabon, Guinea, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel, The Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and The United Arab Emirates.
W24,32x1/14" male to W30x2 female Nevoc (300 bar) nitrogen bottle adaptor. HT1130-W24,32  
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Gas charging