Products & services
- Certifications & Other Downloads
- Clearance
- Hydrogen Products & Services
- Minimess® & Analogue Test Equipment
- Original Minimess® Pressure Test Points & Adaptors
- Minimess® 1620 Test Point
- Minimess® 1620 Test Point Pipe / Thread Adaptors
- Minimess® 1620 with BSP Male / Swivel Female Tee
- Minimess® 1620 JIC Male / Swivel female Tee adaptor
- Minimess® 1620 with ORFS Male / Swivel Female Tee
- Minimess® 1620 with Metric Male / Swivel Female Tee Adaptors
- Minimess® 1620 with Metric Compression Tee (Light)
- Minimess® 1620 adaptors with metric tees (heavy)
- Minimess® 1620 Metric Female threaded (DKO)
- Minimess® 1620 JIC Female threaded adaptors
- Minimess® 1620 Female to pressure gauge female adaptors
- Test point to Test Point conversion adaptors
- Minimess® 1620 Bulkhead adaptors
- Minimess® 1620 SAE Flange Sandwich Plate
- Minimess® 1620 p/T Test Points
- Minimess® 1215 Test Points
- Minimess® 1215 Test Point Pipe / Thread Adaptors
- Minimess® 1615 test points
- Minimess® 1615 Test Point Pipe / Thread Adaptors
- Minimess® 1604 Test Points
- Minimess® 1604 Test Point Pipe / Thread Adaptors
- Steck & HSP Test Points
- MinimessXtreme® 1,000 Bar High Pressure Test Points & Adaptors
- Minimess® Oil Sampling Adaptors
- High Pressure Dn2 & Dn4 Microbore Hose, Fittings & Assemblies
- 63mm and 100mm Diameter Analogue Pressure Gauges & Accessories
- 63mm Bottom Entry
- 63mm Rear Entry
- 100mm Bottom Entry
- 100mm Rear Entry
- Pressure Gauge Accessories
- Pressure Limiting Valves
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/4" BSP Gauge 5 to 9 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/4" BSP Gauge 10 to 25 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/4" BSP Gauge 25 to 63 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/4" BSP Gauge 63 to 100 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/4" BSP Gauge 100 to 250 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/4" BSP Gauge 250 to 600 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/2" BSP Gauge 5 to 9 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/2" BSP Gauge 10 to 25 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/2" BSP Gauge 25 to 63 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/2" BSP Gauge 63 to 100 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/2" BSP Gauge 100 to 250 bar
- Pressure Limiting Valve for G1/2" BSP Gauge 250 to 600 bar
- Pressure Gauge Restrictor Valve
- Pressure Limiting Valves
- Minimess® Pressure, Flow & Temperature Testing & Oil Sampling Kits
- Minimess® Test Point & Oil Sampling Kits
- JCB & CAT Style Pressure Test Kits
- Minimess® Monster agricultural, construction & heavy plant pressure test kit
- Minimess® Monster Junior universal agricultural, construction & heavy plant pressure test kit
- 4 or 6 gauge Minimess® test kits with removable gauge panel
- HYDRApro Flow, Pressure & Temperature Test Kits
- Hydraulic & Pneumatic Vacuum & Pressure Hand Pumps & Kits
- HT4 Pneumatic Hand Pumps & Kits for vacuum or pressure generation between -0.3...4 bar
- HT40.2 & HT60 Pneumatic Vacuum & Pressure Hand Pumps & Kits for vacuum or pressure generation between -0.95…40 bar and -0.95…60 bar
- HT700.3 & HT1000.2 Hydraulic Hand Pumps & Kits for pressure generation between 0...700 bar and 0...1000 bar
- Minimess® Gas Charging Valves & Charging Kits
- Minimess® Gas Charging Valves
- Accumulator Charging and Testing Kits
- PC280/70-D Bladder & Diaphragm Accumulator Pre-Charging & Checking Kit
- PCFPU280/70-U Bladder, Diaphragm & Piston Accumulator Charging & Testing Kit
- 5401-PCFPU Universal Nitrogen Gas Charging & Testing Kit with Pressure Regulator
- GPS-PCFPU280/70-U Economy Universal Nitrogen Gas Charging & Testing Kit with pressure regulator
- N2 Service Pal. Accurate all-in-one digital Nitrogen testing and charging kit with datalogging
- 5114-21-03.KIT1 Nitrogen Charging & Testing Kit for Minimess® Accumulator Valves
- 5401-02-00.KIT Nitrogen charging & testing kit with pressure regulator for Minimess accumulator valves
- Pressure regulators, testing & charging devices & N2 cylinder adaptors
- Accumulator charging adaptors & accessories
- Original Minimess® Pressure Test Points & Adaptors
- Dataloggers & Digital Test Equipment
- Pressure, Temperature, Flow, RPM, Vibration, Force, Torque & Position Sensors for Hydrotechnik Test Equipment
- ISDS, High Accuracy & 10kHz Pressure Sensors
- PR100 Series ISDS 4-20mA Test Sensor for Pressure Measurement
- PR110 Series Standard Pressure Test Sensor - mA, V & kHz Outputs
- PR400 Series High-Speed 10kHz Pressure Transducer with ISDS 4-20mA Output
- PR509 Series Pressure Sensor for MultiHandy 2025 Instruments
- Importance and Benefits of High-Speed Pressure Measurement
- TE Series ISDS Temperature Sensors
- QT Series ISDS Flow Turbines
- QT500 Series for Flow Measurement of Oils, Coolants, Skydrol & Water
- QT500 Flow Turbine for oils with Standard Frequency Output
- QT510 Flow Turbine for oils with 4-20mA Output
- QT500 Flowmeter for water-based fluids with Standard Frequency Output (Stainless Steel)
- QT510 Flowmeter for water-based fluids with 4-20mA Output (Stainless Steel)
- Sealing Washers for QT400 and QT500 Turbines
- QT400 Heavy Duty 600 l/min Flowmeter Series
- QL Series for Flow Measurement of Oils with Loading Valve
- QT500 Series for Flow Measurement of Oils, Coolants, Skydrol & Water
- QG series ISDS Circular Gear Flowmeters
- RS series RPM and Rotational Speed Sensors
- Patrick Series Oil Cleanliness Monitors
- String, Linear and Laser Displacement Sensors
- CD50 Draw Wire Position Sensor measuring range up to 1250mm
- CD120L Draw Wire Position Sensor measuring ranges up to 3m
- CDS1210 series string potentiometers measuring ranges up to 10m
- HT-ILR-103x laser displacement sensors measuring ranges up to 50m
- MS-13-SR series Linear Potentiometer measuring ranges up to 75mm
- MS-19-M series Linear Potentiometer measuring ranges up to 450mm
- Tension, Load & Compression Force Sensors
- Rotational Torque Sensors, Displays & Software
- Series 2000 Torque Sensors 0...2.5Nm up to 0...500Nm ranges. 0.5...4.5Vdc output
- Series 2300 Torque Sensors. 0...2.5Nm up to 0...100Nm ranges with optional RPM. V, mA, CAN and USB outputs
- Series 3000 Torque Sensors with optional RPM. 0...50 up to 0...2000Nm ranges. V, mA outputs
- Series 7000 Torque Sensors with optional RPM. 0...3000 or 0...5000Nm ranges. V, mA, CAN or USB outputs.
- Series 7300 Torque Sensor for PTO's with optional RPM. 0...3000Nm range. V, mA, CAN or USB outputs.
- NCTE Torque, RPM & Angle display
- NCTE Sensors software for display and logging of torque sensors with USB output.
- Vibration Frequency Sensors & Accelerometers
- MK440 Series Environmental dB Noise Monitors
- ISDS, High Accuracy & 10kHz Pressure Sensors
- Digital pressure, temperature and level gauges, switches and displays
- Digital Pressure Gauges & Switches
- HTE2 series 80mm Battery Operated Digital Pressure Gauges
- Digital Pressure Gauge with Min./Max. Capture -1 to 16 bar
- Digital Pressure Gauge with Min./Max. Capture -1 to 60 bar
- Digital Pressure Gauge with Min./Max. Capture 0-250 bar
- Digital Pressure Gauge with Min./Max. Capture 0-400 bar
- Digital Pressure Gauge with Min./Max. Capture 0-600 bar
- Digital Pressure Gauge with Min./Max. Capture 0-1000 bar
- HTE2-L series 80mm Datalogging Digital Pressure Gauges
- Data Logging Digital Pressure Gauge. -1...+16 bar.
- Data Logging Digital Pressure Gauge. -1...+60 bar.
- Data Logging Digital Pressure Gauge. 0...1000 bar.
- Data Logging Digital Pressure Gauge. 0...250 bar.
- Data Logging Digital Pressure Gauge. 0...400 bar.
- Data Logging Digital Pressure Gauge. 0...700 bar.
- WLB-DDPG Series Bluetooth Digital Datalogging Pressure Gauges
- WLB-DPG Watchlog Bluetooth digital pressure gauge
- Hydrotechnik Digital Pressure Gauge & Minimess® Test Kit
- HTTE-DPS Dual-channel digital pressure switch
- HTPS3000 Series Digital Pressure Switches
- PS120 Series Digital Pressure Switches
- HTE2 series 80mm Battery Operated Digital Pressure Gauges
- LED Panel Mounting Displays
- TI08 Panel Mounted Series Economic LED display for 0...5, 0...10V, 0...20mA or 4...20mA inputs
- SEG1060 LED Panel Mounted Displays 24Vdc / 230Vac
- PMS-970P panel mounting LED displays for mA and V inputs
- D-Series front panel mount pressure, temperature or flow-rate indicators
- HDD-11ALW digital indicator for IP66/67 or ATEX applications
- MultiPanel 2025 Two Channel Display & Datalogger
- Digital Temperature Gauges & Switches
- Digital Level Gauges and Switches
- Digital Pressure Gauges & Switches
- Hydraulic Multi-Channel Digital Datalogging Measuring Instruments, Kits & Software
- 2 (+1) Channel MultiHandy 2025 Datalogger & Kits
- 3 (+1) Channel MultiHandy 3020 Datalogger & Kits
- 5 (+10) Channel MultiSystem 4070 Datalogger & Kits
- 8 (+32) channel MultiSystem 5070 Datalogger & Kits
- 12 to 24 (+16) channel MultiSystem 5070-MX datalogging system
- 16 (+6) Channel MultiControl & MultiSystem 8050
- Hydrotechnik Recording, Analysis & Update Software
- MultiXtend Channel and Signal Extension Modules
- MultiXtend A for 4 x 0-20mA or 4-20mA Signals
- MultiXtend Thermo for 1x Thermocouples
- MultiXtend Thermo for 4x Thermocouples
- MultiXtend f for 1x Frequency Signal
- MultiXtend f for 4x Frequency Signals
- MultiXtend UI for Measurement of Voltage and Current Signals
- MultiXtend Bluetooth
- MultiXtend Split Analogue Signal Splitter
- MultiXtend Trigger
- Batteries, Cables, Cases, & Accessories for Hydrotechnik Measuring Instruments
- Cables for Hydrotechnik or 3rd-party Sensors to Hydrotechnik Instruments or Open Ends
- CAN System and CAN MultiXtend Cables for MultiSystem Measuring Instruments
- Digital Trigger and Link Cables for MultiSystem Measuring Instruments
- Replacement Battery Packs for MultiHandy and MultiSystem Measuring Instruments
- Mains and Auxiliary Power Chargers for Hydrotechnik Measuring Instruments
- Carry Cases with Space for Hydrotechnik Instruments, Sensors, Adaptors & Cables
- Rubber Shock Absorbing Covers for MultiSystem 4010, 5060 & 5070 Instruments
- Pressure, Temperature, Flow, RPM, Vibration, Force, Torque & Position Sensors for Hydrotechnik Test Equipment
- Watchlog USB, Bluetooth & Wireless Sensors & Software
- Watchlog USB
- Watchlog Bluetooth Sensors, Gauges and Mobile Apps
- Watchlog Bluetooth Pressure & Temperature Sensors, Gauges and App for up to 4 sensors connected simultaneously
- Watchlog Bluetooth digital pressure gauge
- WLB-PT Compact Bluetooth Pressure Sensor
- WLB-TT Compact Bluetooth Temperature Sensor
- WLB-DDPG Series Bluetooth Digital Datalogging Pressure Gauges
- WLB-DPG Watchlog Bluetooth digital pressure gauge
- Watchlog Bluetooth Live View & Datalogging App for iOS and Android
- Watchlog Bluetooth-Plus Pressure, Level & Force Sensors and App for up to 12 connected sensors & advanced app calculation features
- Watchlog Bluetooth Pressure & Temperature Sensors, Gauges and App for up to 4 sensors connected simultaneously
- Watchlog Wireless
- Watchlog Wireless Pressure, Flow & Temperature Test Kit
- Watchlog Wireless Vision
- Watchlog ATEX Wireless Pressure Sensors
- Watchlog Wireless Pressure Sensors
- Watchlog Wireless Temperature Sensors
- Watchlog Wireless Linear Position Sensor
- Watchlog Wireless Turbine Flow Meters
- Watchlog Wireless Oval Gear Flow Meters
- Watchlog Wireless USB Base Stations/Receivers
- WLW-AR Wireless Signal Extender
- Watchlog Wireless Signal Gateway Modules
- Watchlog Wireless Configuring, Monitoring & Logging Software
- Watchlog Wireless Accessories
- WLWPL Series Cellular Level Sensor
- Watchlog Pro Remote Monitoring
- WATCHLOG PRO Custom Cloud Monitoring
- Watchlog Pro Hydraulic System Monitoring
- Watchlog PRO ORB Cellular / Wi-Fi Cloud Gateway for Mobile Applications
- Watchlog PRO QUAD Cellular / Wi-Fi Cloud Gateway for Fixed Systems
- Application example #1: Remote generator monitoring
- Application example #2: Light Tower monitoring
- Application example #3: Mobile Crane monitoring
- Watchlog CSV Visualizer Software
- Sensors
- Pressure, Temperature, Flow, RPM, Vibration, Force, Torque & Position Sensors for Hydrotechnik Test Equipment
- ISDS, High Accuracy & 10kHz Pressure Sensors
- PR100 Series ISDS 4-20mA Test Sensor for Pressure Measurement
- PR110 Series Standard Pressure Test Sensor - mA, V & kHz Outputs
- PR400 Series High-Speed 10kHz Pressure Transducer with ISDS 4-20mA Output
- PR509 Series Pressure Sensor for MultiHandy 2025 Instruments
- Importance and Benefits of High-Speed Pressure Measurement
- TE Series ISDS Temperature Sensors
- QT Series ISDS Flow Turbines
- QT500 Series for Flow Measurement of Oils, Coolants, Skydrol & Water
- QT500 Flow Turbine for oils with Standard Frequency Output
- QT510 Flow Turbine for oils with 4-20mA Output
- QT500 Flowmeter for water-based fluids with Standard Frequency Output (Stainless Steel)
- QT510 Flowmeter for water-based fluids with 4-20mA Output (Stainless Steel)
- Sealing Washers for QT400 and QT500 Turbines
- QT400 Heavy Duty 600 l/min Flowmeter Series
- QL Series for Flow Measurement of Oils with Loading Valve
- QT500 Series for Flow Measurement of Oils, Coolants, Skydrol & Water
- QG series ISDS Circular Gear Flowmeters
- RS series RPM and Rotational Speed Sensors
- Patrick Series Oil Cleanliness Monitors
- String, Linear and Laser Displacement Sensors
- CD50 Draw Wire Position Sensor measuring range up to 1250mm
- CD120L Draw Wire Position Sensor measuring ranges up to 3m
- CDS1210 series string potentiometers measuring ranges up to 10m
- HT-ILR-103x laser displacement sensors measuring ranges up to 50m
- MS-13-SR series Linear Potentiometer measuring ranges up to 75mm
- MS-19-M series Linear Potentiometer measuring ranges up to 450mm
- Tension, Load & Compression Force Sensors
- Rotational Torque Sensors, Displays & Software
- Series 2000 Torque Sensors 0...2.5Nm up to 0...500Nm ranges. 0.5...4.5Vdc output
- Series 2300 Torque Sensors. 0...2.5Nm up to 0...100Nm ranges with optional RPM. V, mA, CAN and USB outputs
- Series 3000 Torque Sensors with optional RPM. 0...50 up to 0...2000Nm ranges. V, mA outputs
- Series 7000 Torque Sensors with optional RPM. 0...3000 or 0...5000Nm ranges. V, mA, CAN or USB outputs.
- Series 7300 Torque Sensor for PTO's with optional RPM. 0...3000Nm range. V, mA, CAN or USB outputs.
- NCTE Torque, RPM & Angle display
- NCTE Sensors software for display and logging of torque sensors with USB output.
- Vibration Frequency Sensors & Accelerometers
- MK440 Series Environmental dB Noise Monitors
- ISDS, High Accuracy & 10kHz Pressure Sensors
- Pressure Sensors For OEM, Industrial, Offshore & Process Applications
- PR130 Series Stocked Pressure Sensor With 4-20mA or 0-10V Outputs & M12x1 Electrical Connector
- PR140 Series Stocked Pressure Sensor With 4-20mA or 0-10V Outputs & DIN Form A Electrical Connector
- HT-PMP-S200 OEM Pressure Sensor (Hydrogen approved)
- HT-SHP series high precision pressure transducer
- HPM-10 Series SMART (HART) Pressure Transmitter With Display. DNV, ATEX & SIL options
- HPM-21 Series Explosion Proof Pressure Transmitter With DNV Option
- HPM-22 Series SMART (HART) Pressure Transmitter With DNV & ATEX Options
- HPM-23 Series SMART (HART) Explosion Proof Pressure Transmitter With DNV & ATEX Options
- HT-H2 Series Hydrogen Approved Pressure Sensor
- HT-H2-TPSE Dual pressure and temperature sensor for Hydrogen
- HSPM-10 - Subsea Pressure Transmitter
- Industrial & automotive pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- Mobile hydraulics pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- CANbus / digital output pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- Compact / miniature pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- Flush diaphragm pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- High temperature pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- Multi-function Pressure & temperature transducers and transmitters
- Intrinsically safe pressure transducers and pressure transmitters
- Hydrogen Pressure & Temperature Sensors
- Mechanical Pressure & Vacuum Switches
- Pressure Switches
- PHC Adjustable pressure switches for low pressure
- PMM Adjustable SPST pressure switches with screw terminals up to 48V
- PMN Adjustable SPST pressure switches with push-on terminals up to 48V
- PHP Adjustable SPST pressure switches for high accuracy up to 48V
- PM250 Adjustable SPST pressure switches for voltage ≤ 250 Vac
- MS-PS Adjustable SPDT pressure switches with push-on terminals 250Vac/24Vdc
- PSM-PSP Adjustable SPDT pressure switches with DIN connector up to 250Vac and adjustable hysteresis
- PSK Adjustable SPDT pressure switches with adjustment knob up to 250VAC
- PML-PPL Adjustable SPDT pressure switches with adjustable hysteresis and up to 250Vac
- PMC/PMC...D Adjustable pressure switches with SPDT contacts
- PDE Differential pressure switch - Clogging indicator
- PPC/PPCF Adjustable pressure switch with 1 or 2 SPDT contacts
- Custom IP67 Pressure Switches
- Vacuum Switches
- Pressure Switches
- Differential Pressure Sensors For OEM, Industrial, Offshore & Process Applications
- HDPM-10 Series Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter with Display
- HDPM-21 Series Low Range Differential Pressure Transmitter
- HDPM-30 Series Differential Pressure Transmitter
- HDPM-40 Series Differential Pressure Transmitter
- HDPM-41 Series Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter
- HDPM-50 Series Low Range Differential Pressure Transmitter
- Temperature Measurement for OEM, Industrial & Process Applications.
- HTT-C Series Stocked Compact Temperature Sensor With -50...100°C range, 4-20mA output & M12 Electrical Connector
- TSOK Series Low Cost Line or Tank Mounting Temperature Transmitter with 4-20mA Output.
- HTTM-10 Series Smart (HART) Temperature Transmitter With Display & ATEX Options
- HTSM-30 Series Temperature Sensor with Integrated Protection Tube or Additional Thermowell with DNV Option
- HT-TPSE & TPSI Series Pressure & Temperature In One Sensor (Dual Output)
- Level Sensors
- Sensor Accessories
- Pressure, Temperature, Flow, RPM, Vibration, Force, Torque & Position Sensors for Hydrotechnik Test Equipment
- Hydraulic and Hydrostatic Test Rigs
- Formula One Heat Exchanger Passivation Rig
- Brake Disc Testing Rig
- Custom Hydrostatic Test Rig and Tooling For Plastics Manufacturer
- Dynamic Seal Testing Rig
- Flow and Temperature Hydraulic Test Bed
- Hose Test Rig For Motor Racing Component Supplier
- Hydraulic & Electrical Vehicle Testing Rigs
- Hydraulic Pump Test Rig - Hydrotechnik UK
- Hydrotechnik UK Test Rig Helps to Develop and Promote Market-Leading Faucet
- Purpose Built Test Rig For Aerospace Components
- Trailer Simulator Test System
- Valve and Hose Testing Rig
- End of Production Test Rig for Road Sweeping Manufacturer
- Hydraulic Motor Testing Rig
- Hydrostatic Testing Rig for Electrical Fuse Bodies
- Nitrogen Regulator Pressure Test Rigs For Hoses
- Cylinder Pressure Testing Rig for National Auditor
- Leak Testing Rig for Aerospace Components
- Pressure Testing Rig for National Auditor
- Hydrostatic Pump Testing Rig
- Cylinder Pressure Testing Bench
- Burst Testing Bench for UK Hose Manufacturer
- Hydraulic Pump Test Rig
- Pump Leak Testing Rig
- Hydrostatic Leak Testing Rig for Fire Suppression Valves
- Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Rig for Aerospace and Defence Supplier
- Pressure and Flow Testing Rig for Leak Testing Heat Exchangers
- Burst & Cyclic Testing Service
- Calibration Services