WLB-DPG Watchlog Bluetooth digital pressure gauge

The Watchlog Bluetooth digital pressure gauges incorporate a high-precision pressure sensor with an accurate LCD display showing measured pressure in real-time and can transmit readings up to 100ms via Bluetooth.

Technical Specifications

Range Negative/compound pressure
Low pressure (on request)
Medium pressure
High Pressure
Vacuum to 1 & 16 bar
0...0.1, 0.4 & 0.6 bar
0...60, 160 & 250 bar
0...400, 700 & 1000 bar
Overload Capacity 200% FS
Accuracy 0.2%FS
Operating Temperature -20...65°C
Power supply voltage 3V (2x AA batteries)
Pressure unit MPa, bar. kgf, mH20, PSI, kPa, mmHg, mBAR, mmH20, Pa,inWC
Protection level IP54

For full specifications, please see the datasheet available to download from this page.

Ordering code

Pressure range *Replace XXXX with
-1 to +1 bar V001
-1 to +16 bar V016
0 to 60 bar 0060
0 to 160 bar 0160
0 to 250 bar 0250
0 to 400 bar 0400
0 to 700 bar 0700
0 to 1000 bar 1000

Watchlog Bluetooth App

The WLPB-DPG supports iOS and Android Bluetooth apps. Once connected, the app can be used to display pressure values, start/stop logging, and export CSV test files. See more in our overview video.

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